Monday, 12 March 2012

SBS goes Medieval

So, this is the link I was talking about: The Beauty of Maps
It's a documentary about the amazing Hereford Mappa Mundi, a thirteenth-century map of the known (and unknown) world. The link is active for the next 6 days, so take advantage quickly!


Anonymous said...

Hi all,
What a mystery this map is, drawings of crazy animals,a man using his own foot as a sun shade? No wonder its tricky to decipher,interestingly that the top is East and not North, but when he turned it a bit it made more sense to him. Also the comment that its about rebirth, death and the entry into the next world.
what do the others think?

medievaleurope said...

I'm really glad you had a chance to watch it Ross. Isn't it fascinating!? The monstrous people with the foot/sunshade made me think of C.S. Lewis' The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I'm sure he must have seen this map - or a similar one when he invented the 'Duffers'. Just another way that medieval is still with us. :)